In my line of work, i often encounter crazy things. Countries competing for the tallest building in the world, competing to build the world's biggest mall or u see the share price of a totally insolvent company rising right before your eyes. Crazy, yes it is. Not the craziest things that has happened, i only came to realisation recently.
Humans are more irrational. Fighting over a seat, or arguing over someone who is totally not relevant in our life (and i am not even talking about fighting over for a boyfriend). Or getting angry over some small actions.
From how i see it, it is just how we perceive things. A told B that he(A) is using a 2G Ifone but B insisted that A is actually using 3GS Ifone and pointed out harshly that the whole world is using 3GS Ifone except A. Worse of all, A doesn't believe that 3GS now comes with wifi function and B tells A that as well. Both get upset end of the day. (Note that i am not stating my stand whether it is 2G or 3GS)
Confusing? yeah, i reckon. End of the day, does it matter the fone is 2G or 3GS? Maybe it does, why do we have to force A or B to accept each other's reasoning?
It is very easy to wallow in anger or self pity. U can wallow in self pity or anger that your mobile operator is not upgrading you to a new 3GS or friends get upset over things you dun agree with.
You can think you are the world's saddest person on earth because things are against you and most likely you are angry with yourself, mobile operator and perhaps the whole world as well.
Dun think it needs to be the case. There are times when i feel shit as well, most pathetic person surviving. Am i exactly that? Not so.
I just think of the old auntie who collects cardboards or cans at my estate. or anyone who struggles with life on a daily basis. I actually feel that these guys are so much stronger than me mentally, giving me absolutely no right to feel pissed about the world, or people in general.
Are these guys angry that circumstances are against them or wish they are living in comfortable environment? i am sure some of them would be, but they never give up or hang up the boots. They are doing what they can to survive or for a better life.
Let's just be glad that we have a healthy body, a job that pays relatively well and we are not living from day to day. We just lack the courage to step back and look at the whole situation with a sense of gratitude and a sense of aloof perhaps. Our problem or argument will look so minute in retrospective.